
Saturday, October 3, 2015

October 3....On Curiosity

Looking at any little kid, you'd observe curiosity in its purest form. They move through the world with a strong drive to discover, explore and examine everything in their path. They take delight in all things new and in the process, create a series of neural pathways in the brain. Little sponges, they grow, develop and enjoy what comes their way.

Elizabeth Gilbert gave a talk recently on her new book, Big Magic. In it, she explores the idea of beginning each day with a sense of curiosity.  With all the responsibilities many adults face, they can easily become disconnected from the joy that accompanies creativity.

This month, I'll look at ways to focus in on our innate sense of curiosity, and how it can help help us live a happier, more creative way of life.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 2015...Collage of September Paintings from Painting Challenge

30 Paintings in 30 Days
Collage #1 (10 of the 30 paintings from the challenge)

Collage #2 (2nd 10 of 30 paintings from challenge)
Collage #3 (last 10 of 30 paintings from challenge)
Collage of 10 Kaleidoscope paintings from challenge
It's a wrap! A big thank you to Leslie Saeta for hosting the September painting challenge and providing a place for so many of us to share our work with a wider audience. It's been a fun month of creating daily paintings and having the opportunity to interact with other artists.

Looking forward to the next painting challenge that takes place in January 2016. 

Thank you for your interest and comments during September.

See participants' painting collages of their month's work here.
Some faves from the challenge pinned here

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September 2015..Day 30 Painting Challenge

Home Free
Home Free (detail)

I goofed. Tomorrow is big collage day as a culmination to the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge so today is the final day to post a new painting. This completes my set of 2-color palette pieces this week. The next challenge begins in January 2016. 

See everyone's work at Leslie Saeta's blog here.
Some faves pinned here

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September 2015....Day 29 (This Earthly Heaven) Painting Challenge

This Earthly Heaven

This Earthly Heaven (detail)
Kaleidoscope #1 This Earthly Heaven (detail)
Kaleidoscope #2 This Earthly Heaven (detail)
This has been fun doing the painting challenge this month. Tomorrow is a collage of some of the work completed over the last four weeks.  Be sure to look on the 30th at the host's blog here to see the final compilations of all the participants' works. I've discovered several artists whose work I like and might have otherwise missed had I not joined in this challenge.

Some of my faves pinned here.


Monday, September 28, 2015

September 2015...Day 28 (Eye on the Prize) Painting Challenge

A new fave for me...sticking with only 2 colors. The challenge comes in finding ways to create different types of surface markings. Still haven't pushed things to the limit so will continue to explore what is possible with very little. It would be a real challenge to paint using the same two colors every day for the entire month...hmmmm.
Kaleidoscope #1 Eye on the Prize (detail)
Kaleidoscope #2 Eye on the Prize (detail)
See everyone's work at the 30 day challenge here.
Some of my faves pinned here.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 2015...Day 27 (Staying the Course) Painting Challenge

Staying the Course

Staying the Course (detail)
Three colors on this one. Enjoying using the limited palette again and seeing what happens as I tweak the paper over the course of a day. It's been fun working with materials that almost have a mind of their own and allowing them to interact as they do. 
Kaleidoscope #1 Staying the Course (detail)
Kaleidoscope #2 Staying the Course (detail)

See all the work from everyone in the challenge Here.

Some of my faves pinned here

Saturday, September 26, 2015

September 2015..Day 26 (Almost There) Painting Challenge

Almost There

Check out today's 30 Paintings in 30 Days 

Some favorite images from the challenge pinned HERE.

Friday, September 25, 2015

September 2015..Day 25 (The End of the Line) Painting Challenge

The End of the Line
Another 2 color piece with a smidge of blue in one corner. I like the idea of using just 2 colors and seeing how far I can stretch it and what I can do with it. 

See everyone's work in the 30 in 30 days HERE.

Some fave's are listed HERE
Kaleidoscope #1 of The End of the Line
Kaleidoscope #2 of The End of the Line

Thursday, September 24, 2015

September 2015..Day 24 (Reaching the Edge) Painting Challenge

Kaleidoscope #1 of Reaching the Edge (detail)
Working again with a 3 color palette.  Love red, am very drawn to it, but often avoid using it in a painting. Jumped right into it today. Only a few days left now to complete the 30 days painting challenge, then on to something else.

See everyone's work in the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

Favorites pinned HERE.

Kaleidoscope #2 of Reaching the Edge

Reaching the Edge (detail)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

September 2015..Day 23 (Entangled in Your Own Dream) Painting Challenge

Entangled in Your Own Dream
Used 3 colors on this one.  Some days, I lean toward sticking with a particular palette. It's familiar, I like how the colors respond when I place them near each other, and although I cannot really control the outcome, I have some idea of how it will look further on down the line. Do you find yourself experimenting with new color combos or do you prefer sticking with your favorites?

Occasionally, I reach into my box of bottles and yank a few out as my palette for the day. I'm thinking I might make a spinner, like one you'd see in a board game and use that to determine the color selection. It would force me outside my comfort zone and find ways to make that particular combination work.

Just for fun...anyone have 3 random colors to suggest for a palette I can do for Thursday's painting?? Anything goes....

Kaleidoscope #1 of Entangled in Your Own Dream
Kaleidoscope #2 of Entangled in Your Own Dream
See the 30 in 30 here.

Some of the other painters whose work I follow during the challenge are pinned HERE .

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September 2015..Day 22 (Crossing the River) Painting Challenge

Kaleidoscope #1 Crossing the River (detail)
Kaleidoscope #2 Crossing the River (detail)
Crossing the River (original)
Working large again today and set the color palette to 5 choices. Have made multiple paintings on some days so will post the extra ones at the end. Just over one week's been a good thing to paint every day.

See what others in the painting challenge are doing HERE.

 Some of my faves from the challenge pinned HERE.

Monday, September 21, 2015

September 2015...Day 21 (The Pearl) Painting Challenge

Kaleidoscope #1 The Pearl (detail)
Kaleidoscope #2 The Pearl (detail)
The Pearl (original)
This painting, at 13"x 20", is larger than most of the others I've done this month. For me, painting on a larger scale has it pluses...more space to work, needs quite a bit more time to change the surface, and more opportunities to experiment and push the boundaries. 

What are the bonuses of working in the size you choose as your favorite? Do any of the kaleidoscope images remind you of anything?

Work by artists in the 30 Day Painting Challenge .

 Some of my faves from the challenge pinned HERE.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

September 2015..Day 20 (The Stranger Within) Painting Challenge

Kaleidoscope #1 The Stranger Within (detail)
Kaleidoscope #2 The Stranger Within (detail)
The Stranger Within (original)
Not sure where this came from. Ended up being a strange combo of forms. I worked on this one, set it aside, worked on it some more and it finally let me know it was time to stop. On chopping and rearranging, it became something different altogether.

Look at everyone's work in the 30 Paintings Challenge here.

Some of my faves from the challenge pinned HERE.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

September 2015..Day 19 (Wishes are Granted)

Kaleidoscope of Wishes are granted (detail)

Wishes are granted (original)
Experimenting today by going through the pantry and adding different substances to the surface to see how they affect the paint.  Thought I would really let loose with this one. It feels very freeing to release any expectations of particular outcomes and allow it to be one continual exploration. Decided to do this after someone told me a few months ago it looked like my work was all very controlled, precise, tight and symmetrical. Here's to letting loose....

Check out the 30 in 30 Days  work by other artists here.

Some favorites I've marked from the challenge pinned HERE.

Friday, September 18, 2015

September 2015..Day 18 (Le Jardin) Painting Challenge

Kaleidoscope #1 of Le Jardin
Kaleidoscope #2 of Le Jardin

Using a limited palette again today. It still surprises me to see how much shows up using very few colors. When I finished this one and flipped it around to see how it looked from all directions, it reminded me of a landscape type background I made for a film years ago.  More variation when cutting it up and making it into a kaleidoscope collage.

See what the other artists are doing HERE  at Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 Days blog.

Look HERE to see a board of favorites from the challenge

Le Jardin original piece

Thursday, September 17, 2015

September 2015..Day 17 (Navigating By Myself) Painting Challenge

Navigating By Myself
Two colors, blue and yellow, with a splash of pink tossed in at the end. Used all kinds of odd tools to move the paint around and discovered some new ways to make marks on the surface.
Kaleidoscope versions #1 and #2 from detail of Navigating by Myself

Just past the half way mark in the 30 day painting challenge.  See what others are painting here.

Favorites from other artists in the challenge pinned here.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September 2015..Day 16 (And She Chose Downstream)

Kaleidoscope version 1 of And She Chose Downstream
Version 2 of And She Chose.....
Version 3 of And She Chose.....

Decided to go outside my 2 color palette today and play with colors I usually would avoid putting on the same paper. Curious to see what would come out of it all.
Original piece

Began with the blue shapes and it went from there. Remind anyone of anything?

Look at what the others in the challenge are painting here.

Some of my faves from the challenge by other artists pinned here .
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