
Monday, March 23, 2015

March Sea Life day 23 "Coffee and Laughs with Friends"

"Coffee and Laughs with Friends"

At a weekend outdoor market, I saw a flyer announcing an upcoming Laughter Yoga class.

Laughter Yoga? Seriously?

It was too weird to imagine, so I continued reading the text which touted some of the many benefits of laughter:

-It relaxes the entire body
-It triggers the release of endorphins, causing the sensation of well-being
-It boosts the immune system and protects the heart
-Increases creativity
-Reduces stress
-Enhances memory
-Elevates moods

Not for me, I decided at the time. Yoga is quiet, peaceful, meditative, not full of big, loud laughter.  Later that day, a friend emailed INVITING me to a laugh yoga class the following morning (a Sunday). What bizarre timing! What are the odds? I reluctantly agreed out of sheer curiosity.

The class met at a community center in a nearby village and we all gathered in a large room of about a dozen people, ranging in age from 6 to about mid seventies. The cost?......$2.

The next hour was spent participating in laughter-inducing activities. We fake laughed at first as suggested by the instructor (how awkward) and some time later, it turned into the real thing. The group leader suggested silly scenarios and everyone raced around the room, abandoning their worries about looking ridiculous, too caught up in the moment having fun.

The main idea was to recapture the essence of childlike abandon and dive fully into pure silliness and fun.  Everyone raced around the room, pretending to walk invisible dogs, chase runaway lawnmowers, and  sip tea from tiny Thumbelina-sized tea cups, each action accompanied by chuckles, giggles or roaring laughter.

At the conclusion, we were led through a short meditation and then let loose to have a great day. I was buzzing with a vibrant energy, feeling quite energized and uplifted. In celebration, my friend and I ran to a cafe in the village and sipped cuppas, reveling in all the fun we'd just had. 

It became a weekly ritual for us that lasted about a year. The idea of Laughter Yoga quickly spread and the class grew in size, often having around 35 participants. More classes sprang up all over the city...more people wanting in on the fun.

How can you add some laughter to your day? Give your internal organs a good massage with some big belly laughs. Where do you see the opportunity for a good laugh?

"Coffee and Laughs with Friends,"  8 x 10" Watercolor and ink

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