
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April Day 21 Extreme Close Up

"Extreme Close Up"
How many of us really see the little things? They are absolutely everywhere, but many of us find ourselves so busy with our lists and work and errands, etc. that our pace doesn't allow for noticing the little things.

A trip through the supermarket many years ago with my then-toddler allowed me the opportunity to notice things I normally would have overlooked. That little guy walked next to the cart and proceeded to point out all the electrical outlets that were, for me, at knee level or slightly above. His fascination for all things electrical had him locating all plug outlets everywhere we went. It was like taking a field trip with a mini engineer. One day, he pointed upward to show me an escaped helium balloon hugging the ceiling. Who would even consider looking at the ceiling while sorting through which apples to buy?

I continued to have millions of chances to notice tiny things in the environment such as a praying mantis on a rock (have you ever noticed how incredibly small their eyes are and the ease with which they swing their heads around to look back at us as if to say, "You lookin' at me?"). Other little things have captured my attention like finding a heart shaped stone, coins in a car park, or an usually colored leaf.

For today....stop and take a close look at something you'd usually walk by without really taking notice...the bark on a tree, a cloud formation, a spider web covered with water droplets, the color of the greens in your salad, or my recent favorite, a flower, with all its delicate forms and colors. Tiny miracles.

What other world will you get to see by slowing your pace and changing your focus?

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