FEBRUARY 2016 Day 4 Bumps in the Road
Bumps in the Road |
I have a friend who recently mentioned to me that some big obstacles were in the way of things running smoothly for her and it was affecting several areas of her life. Being a very caring person, she often has others leaning heavily on her for emotional support. She is happy to provide this, however due to the sheer amount that is being requested of her recently, she is now overwhelmed.
This piece today is an image I saw when hearing her words. She uses her heart as a map to navigate the bumps and obstacles that have appeared.
Bumps in the Road is made of wet and needle felted Alpaca fiber, cotton, and glass beads. The bumps are made of wet felted fiber, formed into balls, cut and then attached to the heart piece.
Heart as map—best kind of map there is. Thank you for this beautiful felted wordless reminder of a way to navigate bumps in the road.