
Thursday, March 12, 2015

March CoffeeSea Life day 12 "I'm glad we see eye to eye over coffee"

"I'm glad we see eye to eye over coffee"

What a great feeling when someone "gets" us...really gets us..knows what we mean, is open to our point of view and sometimes even empathizes with our challenges and ongoing shenanigans. The Chaos and fun that make up daily life. Sometimes, having that other person there helps reflect back to me things I want or need to know to navigate my way through the day. Seeing eye to eye with another allows me to step back and appreciate all that goes into what I create as my own reality every day. Their perspective might help me see things in  a different way....and be more open to fun.  Caffeine makes this encounter even better.

 Who in your life sees you eye to eye?

"I'm glad we see eye to eye over coffee"   4 x 10" watercolor and ink

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