
Friday, July 31, 2015

July 31. The Big Look Over

At the beginning of each month, I make a short list of what I'd like to do by the end of the month. Sometimes I get all of them done, and other months, I finish only two or three. It can get discouraging looking at my list and feeling like the month has zipped by too quickly and there are the "undones," staring me in the face.

"But you had a whole month to do all  these things!" I tell myself.

Now, on the last day of the month, I do the Big Look Over. This means:
  1. Looking at the initial list I made at the start of the month
  2. Highlight (I use pink) what I managed to complete
  3. Look at my daily notes to see what I DID finish during the month (the Did List)
  4. Remember that my path will zigzag all over depending on circumstances and factors
  5. Be ok with the realization that I didn't finish everything
  6. Release any disappointment I might feel and remember, this is something others experience, too
  7. Create a list for the coming month, keeping it short
Today, allow yourself to recognize and appreciate your efforts for those things you did complete.

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